1. What is a bump-out?

Also known as curb extensions, bulbouts, or neckdowns, bump-outs extend the curb into the street at a pedestrian crossing, effectively making the pedestrian crossing shorter.


2. What are the benefits of a bump-out?

As shared in the October 2022 newsletter, with vehicle crashes and deaths surging since summer 2020 (per capita vehicle deaths rose in the US 17.5% from the summer of 2019 to summer 2021*), bump-outs offer multiple safety benefits. By extending the curb into the street at the pedestrian crossing, bump-outs effectively make the pedestrian crossing shorter, thereby decreasing the time that a pedestrian is in the street and vulnerable to being hit by a car. By having a shorter distance to cross, the pedestrian completes the cross more quickly, while also allowing traffic to flow more fluidly. Furthermore, bump-outs make the neck of the street narrower at the intersection so that a car making a left or right turn must slow down considerably to make the turn. Lower speeds increase time for a driver to see a pedestrian and therefore decrease the likelihood of severe injuries in the event of collision. This gives the pedestrian some lead time into the intersection, allowing a driver more visibility. Giving pedestrians lead time before traffic starts to move has been shown to reduce pedestrian/auto collisions by as much as 60%**.
In addition to safety improvements, these bump-outs in Butchers Hill will help alleviate the issue of the drains backing up and causing street and sidewalk flooding during heavy rains on the corners of Chester & Pratt. As part of creating the bump-out, the drain on the northwest corner will be upgraded to increase water flow and decrease flooding. Native plants will be added to the two planting areas, contributing to our neighborhood’s ongoing environmental and beautification efforts.
The greatest asset this community has is the engagement and welcoming nature of our neighbors. Accessibility and inclusivity are values of Butchers Hill and, as such, the handicap ramp on the northwest corner of Chester & Pratt will be upgraded to adhere to city requirements as part of the bump-out enhancement.
 The bump-out will contribute not only to the safety, environment, and inclusivity of Butchers Hill, but also to the beautification of the neighborhood.




3. Why is the first (non-rain garden) bump-out going to be located at Chester & Pratt?

This site of this bump-out was chosen to address several factors at once: safety, potential flooding, and great access. The bump-out at this particular intersection will help alleviate the issue of the drains on the corners of Chester & Pratt backing up and causing street and sidewalk flooding during heavy rains. As part of the creation of the bump-out, the drain on the northwest corner will be upgraded to increase water flow and decrease flooding.
One-way streets with a traffic light, like Chester St., suffer from motorists speeding to ensure they get through the next green light. The expectation is that the bump-outs will address one of the problematic intersections. The BHA is aware of other dangerous intersections and continues to look for ways to implement traffic calming measures. 


4. Why a bump-out? Why not another rain garden?

Rain gardens are one type of bump-out. Butchers Hill has three rain garden bump-outs, located at the corners of Fairmount & Chester, Lombard & Chester, and Baltimore & Collington. The rain gardens are both more expensive in terms of upfront cost and also more labor and resource intensive in terms of ongoing maintenance. The bump-outs at the corner of Chester & Pratt will provide the safety and environmental benefits of a rain garden bump-out along but with benefits of reduced cost and upkeep. In addition, native plants will be added to the two planting areas, contributing to our neighborhood’s ongoing environmental and beautification efforts.


5. Will the bump-outs reduce the number of parking spaces.

No. The bump-outs have been carefully designed so as not to eliminate any parking at this intersection. The northwest corner of Pratt and Chester has a fire hydrant that allows for a large bump-out installation on that corner without impacting parking.


6. I want to support these efforts. How can I do that?

Make a donation: https://www.butchershill.org/join - scroll down and select “Donate.” When inputting your credit card information, you can “write a note” to let us know that you’d like your donation to go specifically to the bump-out! 
Check out our new fundraising page - https://www.butchershill.org/fundraising - which will be geared toward specific campaigns like this one for the bump-out. 
Help us fund raise! Email butchershillpresident@gmail.com with any ideas you may have for fundraising and/or if you’d like to join our meetings!