Virtual Garden Tour
Thanks to co-chair Lara Bruckman, we are having a virtual garden tour this year!
Help Needed
There’s no tour without garden and green spaces - do you have a space you’d like to show your neighbors? Or do you want to help put together the tour? We need people to film, video edit, market, and other jobs to be named. If you want to participate in any way, please email
Sponsorship & Advertising
An electronic booklet with ad spaces will accompany the tour. Sponsorship opportunities are also available, some of which will include advertising. If interested in supporting the Tour through sponsorship or advertising, please send an email to
Get excited to “go on” the tour in June! Tour date and ticket details to come in the May newsletter. Like the house tour, this is a great opportunity to share Butchers Hill with people from outside the neighborhood (even outside the state). We can use everyone’s help to spread the word!